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Jamil Payton, Principal

Mr. Payton brings a variety of experience in helping all students feel represented and accepted for who they are. He has served as a classroom teacher, cultural liaison, school administrator, assistant principal, and most recently, as principal of Hmong International Academy in the Minneapolis Public Schools. Mr. Payton understands the importance of collaborating with staff and families and embracing the unique gifts that each student brings. 

Mr. Payton looks forward to partnering with families, students, staff and the community to continue the great work at Johnson Senior High School. He is an equity leader who values communication and works hard to provide access and opportunity for all students. Mr. Payton plans to provide a clear vision for Johnson that honors the school’s past, while looking to the future.

Mr. Payton has excellent academic qualifications with a Bachelor of Arts degree in professional communication from Metropolitan State University, a Master of Arts degree in professional counseling from Argosy University and an education administration licensure from St. Mary's University of Minnesota.

Front Office

Jenny Lindstrom
Administrative Assistant/Office Supervisor

Assistant Principals

Steve Taylor


Kevin Davis, Ed.D.


Megan Peterson