Hello! My name is Janis Quinlan classof 1982, and I am the newly electedPresident of the Johnson Governor's Club. I am very honored to take on this responsibility. I am currently in my 24th year as headswim Coach of the Governors Boy's and Girl's swim teams. I am in the school everyday and see howgreat Johnson continues to be in the Saint Paul school district. This is due inpart to the wonderful administration, staff, and strong traditions that Johnsonhas always held. As you may know,our main goal is to provide funds for the school, classes, students, athleticsand honor alumni. We do this bymembership fees, and fundraisers such as our Annual "Celebrity"Pancake Breakfast in April. Mygoal is to increase membership significantly so that we can provide many moregrants each year during this difficult economic time. I could use as much help as possible by asking the membersto pass on information to other graduates about our club and encourage them tojoin.
At this time I ampleased to announce the other newly elected officers. Serving as Vice President is long time board member, Ken Erickson '68. Ken has been a board member since 1996, and has been instrumental inorganizing and planning the Governor's Club Pancake Breakfast. Without the efforts of Ken, so much ofour success as an alumni club would not have been possible. Ken is taking over for longtime VP Roger Hallman ‘59, who hasbeen with the club since it's inception. Roger continues to be a board member and we cannot thank him enough forthe years of volunteerism. The newsecretary is Dawn Bartell'84. As a second yearboard member, Dawn stepped up and wanted to be more involved by running forsecretary. We are excited to haveDawn join us. Debbie Hummel '82 continues to be our treasurer and has done anexcellent job. I am very proud tohave such great people to work with. The next three years I look forward to continuing with the great richtraditions that Johnson High School has always provided.
Janis Quinlan
Class of ‘82