AFROTC Course Descriptions
Rotational Classes:
These rotational classes will be offered every three years as noted below in the course descriptions. In addition, each academic course is paired with a Leadership Education course. Leadership education provides an essential component for high school students and is designed to prepare students for life after high school in the high-tech, globally oriented, diverse workplace of the 21st century.
AFJROTC: Exploring Space
Rotational class – available every three years (2025-2026)
Length: 2 Semesters (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: None
Grade: 9-12
This course begins with the study of the space environment from the earliest days of interest in astronomy and early ideas of the heavens, through the Renaissance, and on to modern astronomy. It provides an in-depth study of the earth, sun, stars, moon and solar system, including the terrestrial and outer planets. It discusses issues critical to travel in the upper atmosphere and investigates the importance of manned and unmanned space flights, concepts surrounding spaceflight, space vehicles, launch systems, and space missions.
Associated Leadership course: LE 300 - Life Skills and Career Opportunities
AFJROTC: Survival
Rotational class – available every three years (2026-2027)
Course Number(s): R402171
Length: 2 Semesters (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: None
Grade: 9-12
This course provides training in skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to successfully perform fundamental tasks needed for survival. Survival also presents “good to know” information that would be useful in any situation, such as individuals who become lost while hiking or hunting, or for persons stranded in a snowstorm. In this course cadets will learn basic elements of survival, how first aid procedures, clothing, and shelter can provide personal protection, the necessities for maintaining life, and how to travel and prepare for recovery in a survival situation. Associated Leadership course: LE 100 - Traditions, Wellness and Foundations of Citizenship
AFJROTC: Aviation History
Rotational class – available every three years (2027-2028)
Course Number(s): R402121, R402123
Length: 2 Semesters (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: None
Grade: 9-12
This is an aviation history course focusing on the development of flight throughout the centuries. It starts with ancient civilizations, then progresses through time to modern day. The emphasis is on civilian and military contributions to aviation; the development, modernization, and transformation of the Air Force; and a brief astronomical and space exploration history. It is interspersed with concise overviews of the principles of flight to include basic aeronautics, aircraft motion and control, flight power, and rockets. Note: This course does NOT include use of flight simulators.
Associated Leadership Course: LE 200 – Communication, Awareness, and Leadership
AFJROTC: Corps Management
Course Number(s): R402111
Length: 2 Semesters (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: Two of the following: AFJROTC
Exploring Space, AFJROTC Global Cultural Studies,
AFJROTC Survival or Senior Aerospace Science
Instructor/Aerospace Science Instructor
Grade: 12
The cadets manage the entire AFJROTC corps during
their senior year in the AFJROTC program. This hands
on experience affords cadets the opportunity to put
theories of previous leadership courses into practice.
Planning, organizing, coordinating, directing,
controlling, and decision-making will be done by cadets
as they utilize their communication, decision-making,
personal interaction, managerial, and organizational
Associated Leadership Course: LE 400 - Principles of Management