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Course Number(s): N402011, N402012
Length: 2 Semester (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: Students must complete an AVID application and interview to be considered for the program.
Grade: 9

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a full year elective course for Freshman and Sophomores at Johnson High School designed to prepare students for college success. The AVID program is a system of strategies used to increase school wide learning and performance for all students, but also works specifically with students in the elective course on skills essential to be college ready. The AVID elective course focuses on many of the skills necessary for college success: academic study skills, time management skills, note taking skills, and cooperative learning strategies. Throughout the course of a week, students meet with their AVID cohort and receive two days of tutorial support, instruction in critical reading strategies such as Text Marking, Cornell Notes, and Socratic Seminar, as well as team building opportunities. Students are also given multiple opportunities to learn about college options through guest speakers and college visits. In order to enroll in AVID, you must complete the application and interview process.