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Career Pathways

Johnson Aerospace and Engineering is a districtwide STEM magnet school, and our main career pathway is Innovative Technologies which includes Aerospace and Engineering.  All ninth grade students take Project Lead the Way Essential Engineering to get exposure to the thinking of engineers and all the different careers that use those skills.  However, Johnson is a comprehensive high school with four complete career pathways.  Our Career Pathways are: Innovative Technologies, Health Sciences, Business and Communication, and Education and Community Justice.  

Each ninth grader at Johnson will complete either Freshman Focus or AVID 9.  These courses both include a career exploration element that gives students an opportunity to think about what career path fits their skills, values, abilities, and interests.  They will choose an "introductory" course in one of the four pathways to take in tenth grade.   Each career pathway has many elective courses to spark interests and prepare students for what comes next.

Johnson has a Career Pathways coordinator, Mary Voigt, who will assist students in finding opportunities outside of Johnson.  Please reach out to her if you have questions.

Mary Voigt


Mary Voigt

Career Pathways Coordinator