Elective English Courses
The Johnson High School English department cultivates the acquisition of language arts skills by actively engaging students in reading, writing, speaking and listening. Students improve their skills in comprehending and analyzing the literature of the United States and the world. All non-elective English classes meet the Minnesota Academic Standards in Language Arts. Johnson students also have the opportunity to earn college credit through Advanced Placement (AP) classes as well as two College in the Schools (CIS) classes through the University of Minnesota. Students are required to accumulate a minimum of two English credits per year. Students are encouraged to go beyond the minimum requirement and further improve their communication skills through additional study.
The following are Elective Credit Courses available to students:
- Acting Intermediate
- Children's Literature -- More info soon!
- Creative Writing & Poetry
- Debate -- More info soon!
- Film Studies -- More info soon!
- Horror, Mystery, Fantasy & Science Fiction
- Introduction to Journalism
- Introduction to Theater
- Latin American Literature -- More info soon!
- Lover's Literature
- Poetry
- Public Speaking
- Script Writing
- World Mythology