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Concert Choir (Honors)

Concert Choir (Honors)

Course Number(s): P432181, P432182
Length: 2 Semester (4 Credits)
Prerequisites: Concert Choir; audition; theory test; teacher permission
Grade: 10-12

This class includes all content covered in Concert Choir with additional rigor in development of individual performance skills, knowledge of music theory, and introduction to music history. In this course, students will develop technique and musicianship through study of a wide variety of challenging music in different settings. Members accept the obligation to participate in public performances, such as concerts, most of which are outside the school day. In addition to Concert Choir requirements, students will study solo material and audition for the District Ordway Honor Choir. This course may be repeated. Note: Students not interested in carrying out the additional work involved in earning the honor point should register for Concert Choir instead.

Printable version of Choir Syllabus