Career and Technical Education
The Career and Technical Education department offers construction technology, basic woodworking, and CAD (computer aided design) drafting classes, Engineering, Aviation, and many career focused classes. Johnson has the largest number of CTE licensed teachers at any SPPS high school.
Johnson High School is a certified Project Lead the Way (PLTW) school. PLTW is a national program designed to increase the quantity and quality of engineers and engineering technologists graduating from our educational system. It allows high school students to determine if engineering is a career they desire to pursue. Students participating in PLTW courses are better prepared for college engineering programs and more likely to be successful. All ninth grade students will take PLTW Essentials of Engineering. In tenth grade they may choose their Career Pathway (Innovative Technology, Medical Science, Education and Community Justice, or Business and Communication).
PLTW Civil Engineering & Architecture
PLTW Engineering Design and Development
Journalism Courses
Introduction to Journalism
Journalism II: Yearbook/Courier News