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1349 Arcade Street
St. Paul


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Arts Courses

Arts Courses

All Studio Art classes place a strong emphasis on the elements and principles of design, on the artistic process and on personal creativity. All students learn to see the world in new and interpretive ways in order to make expressive visual statements. Level one classes focus on the development of technical skills and on the understanding the elements and principles of design. Intermediate (level two) classes expand the student’s experience and exposure to a specific art form and help the student develop an artistic style. Advanced classes (level three) accelerate the student’s comprehension of higher level thinking within an art medium, prepare the student for a career in an art field and further develop the student’s artistic style. Studio level classes (level four) give the student an opportunity to refine his/her artistic style and generate a mature body of art work for a senior portfolio.




Digital Media

Art General

Drawing One BeginningPainting One BeginningCeramics One BeginningDigital Imaging, BeginningArt History
Drawing Two IntermediatePainting Two IntermediateCeramics Two IntermediateDigital Photography, Beginning
AP Studio DrawingAP Studio 2DCeramics Three Advanced
AP Studio 3D