AP Studio Art
Course Number: V36001, V436003
Length: 2 Semesters (4 credits)
Prerequisites: Minimum of 2 arts credits
Grade: 10-12
AP Studio Art allows students to earn college level art credit through the creation of a portfolio of work that is scored by the college board. The course is a year long and requires that the student work independently to investigate, experiment, and develop a cohesive series of artworks. The students can work in any medium that relates to the portfolio type they choose. Three portfolio categories are available: Drawing, 2D Design, 3D Design. Students will be expected to develop a comprehensive portfolio and process journal. Portfolios that earn a satisfactory review by the College Board (a score of 3 or higher on a 6 point scale) can earn three college credits, depending on the college. There is a large amount of work requires for portfolio submission in early May, but it is a great opportunity to prepare a portfolio if a students plans on attending a college for an art of design major.