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Junior/Senior Prom


Prom NIght


Junior Senior Prom

Friday, April 25, 2025

8:00-11:00 Science Museum of Minnesota

Tickets are only on sale April 14-17 (Monday-Thursday)

Before and After School in Room #2115*

Cost: $40.00 per Ticket** (Cash Only!)

Grand March: In the Johnson High School Warren G. Burger Auditorium, starts at 5pm.
Feel free to take pictures on the stage after the grand march is over- the Auditorium will be closed at 6pm.

Dance: The Science Museum of Minnesota, 8:00 -11:00 PM, doors close at 9:00 PM.

*No tickets will be sold during classes. In order to purchase a ticket, you must provide a guest slip for any student that does not attend Johnson High School (see Prom Guest Slip below- it can be filled out and faxed to 651-293-8895) and a CIF number for Johnson High School students.  Only one non-Johnson guest is allowed per Johnson student.

**There is a charge to park in the Science Museum's parking ramp the night of Prom. Please call the Science Museum about the cost.

JHS Dance ID Policy
Current SPPS students must either have a current photo ID* with name and picture or show a current photo on Campus.  A student's name and photo must match the ID and the information given when the ticket was purchased.
Non-SPPS students must show a current photo ID* with name and picture.  Student's name and photo must match the ID and the information given when the ticket was purchased.
*Photo IDs can be a High School ID, College ID, Driver’s License or State ID

If you have any questions about Prom,
please see the Prom Information attachment below or
 e-mail Ms. Kleven at

Prom Guest Slip -This form must be completely filled out in order to purchase a ticket for any student that does not attend Johnson High School.
Prom Information
Prom Ticket Purchase Form