Allan Olvera
Contact Me:
Hello! I am an English teacher here at JHS, and this is my 15th year here. I have a wide array of interests and activities that I participate in and am always happy to chat about any number of topics.
I currently teach:
• English 12
• English 9
• Journalism (Intro, Broadcast, and Advanced Broadcast).
• Yearbook/Newspaper
• Creative Writing
• Horror/Mystery/Fantasy/SciFi
I am the JHS Courier Announcements supervisor, Archery Club coach and run DnD club.
Johnson High School has an engineering and tech program and, in honor of that, it also produced a top-tier, weekly news program that examines the weekly goings on around school and occasionally provides commentary on larger issues happening at the school.
Click on the icon to the left to see our latest broadcasts or, if interested, see one of our programs going back almost 10 years!
Colleges Mr. Olvera Attended: