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1349 Arcade Street
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Ker Yang (R-Va)

Licensed School Counselor: Ker Yang (R-Va)

I have been a high school counselor for 24 years with St. Paul Public Schools.  For the first 5 years, I worked with gifted and talented minority students. My undergraduate degree is from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point and my master's degree, in Educational Psychology, is from the University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee.  My family came as refugees to the United States in 1981 when I was 9 years old.  I grew up in Wausau, Wisconsin and I am a Packer fan and a devoted soccer fan. My favorite soccer players are: Lionel  Messi, Son Heung-Min, and Cristiano Ronaldo.  I have three children, ages 22, 19, and 15. My 22-year-old son graduated early from college and my 19 year old is a 2nd  year student at the University of Thomas. After work and on the weekends, I am a personal chauffeur for my 15-year-old daughter because of her involvement in volleyball, dance and music.  I enjoy running, cycling, weight training, fishing, and working with the youth at my church.

I look forward to working with you and I wish you a successful school year.  Please call or email me if you have questions.

Ker Yang
Licensed School Counselor
Johnson Senior High School
1349 Arcade Street
St. Paul, Mn 55106

Phone: 651-744-359

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