Grading Policy
Johnson High School Grading Procedures
Johnson High School’s school-wide grading procedure provides a system that is:
- Fair and Accurate: Grades clearly measure and reflect student learning and performance.
- Specific and Common: Grades are used for feedback and evaluation to help students learn; the same procedure is used by all JHS teachers.
- Timely: Grades are updated weekly in Schoology Gradebook. If a score is not yet entered, please check designation on individual assignment for its status.
Johnson Grading Scale (%)
All classes adhere to this common grading scale:
A = 93.0 – 100.0
A- = 90.0 – 92.99
B+ = 87.0 – 89.99
B = 83.0 – 86.99
B- = 80.0 – 82.99
C+ = 77.0 – 79.99
C = 73.0 – 76.99
C- = 70.0 – 72.99
D+ = 67.0 – 69.99
D = 63.0 – 66.99
D- = 60.0 – 62.99
NP = 00.0 – 59.99
How Course Grades are Calculated at JHS
Formative Assessments (20% of overall grade)
Formative assessments take place frequently and are designed to help students prepare for the summative assessment. Examples of formative assessments include, but are not limited to: daily homework, quizzes, journals, labs, class discussions, performances, paper drafts, quick writes, class participation, and exit slips. See the course syllabus for a complete listing and definition of formative assessments in a particular class.
Summative Assessments (80% of overall grade)
Summative assessments demonstrate mastery of learning. Examples of summative assessments include, but are not limited to: tests, projects, labs, journals, performances, presentations, demonstrated learning process steps, essays, and research papers.
End of Grading Period
Final grades will be recorded in quarters that are approximately 9 weeks in length. All grades are final at the end of the quarter and will be posted on an official transcript.
Cheating and Plagiarism
Cheating is the use of any resource not allowed by a teacher to aid in the taking of an exam or in the completion of an assessment to obtain some benefit, credit, or gain. Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to: copying, inappropriately consulting with another person, and/or using social media and electronic devices to convey course content or answers.
Plagiarism is the act of using the language and thoughts of someone else and representing it as your own without giving them credit. This act can be intentional or unintentional. Examples include, but are not limited to: inappropriately utilizing a quote, phrase, complex idea, research, table, chart, graphic, text, internet resource, paper, or thesis. Plagiarism also includes: paraphrasing of any of the above without proper citation and incorrect documentation, thereby providing insufficient or incorrect credit to the source of the information. Johnson teachers use to verify the authenticity of student work.
Consequences for Cheating and Plagiarism
Consequences will be determined by the teacher and an administrator based on the severity of the infraction.